Efficiency Affects Value

Across the county, energy costs are on the rise. With these increases, savvy buyers, sellers and agents are increasingly placing a premium value on energy efficient homes. Whether you are the buying or selling agent, Energy Savers Home Performance partners with realtors to determine a property's energy rating, measures to improve overall efficiency and identify the appropriate rebates, incentives and 0% loans available to utility customers. Maximizing your client's investment includes three key areas.

Energy efficiency opportunities

identify opportunities

As a Mass Save® Partner, we have extensive knowledge with every facet of the program including how to expedite the required steps necessary to begin a project, available rebates and incentives, maximize a client's investment in energy improvements, health or safety concerns that need to be rectified before starting a project, scheduling and more.

In about one hour, we can prequalify a property for Mass Save eligibility and provide valuable insights and recommendations. Expand the expertise of your firm and maximize your return on investment by partnering with Energy Savers Home Performance.


Did you know that in a recent Boston Globe article, multiple studies determined that energy efficient, green-labeled homes sold for a premium versus non-labeled homes? Additionally, in another study, homes that disclosed energy costs sold at a faster rate and with higher closing rates than those that did not. Simply put, the more efficient a home, the less energy it consumes and the more money a homeowner will save. This is resonating with the market.

In summation, the real estate market is shifting. As energy costs continue to rise, homeowner are placing more emphasis on energy efficiency. Energy Savers Home Performance provides it's real estate partners with valuable information and recommendations that gives them a competitive advantage in the marketplace.

Increased property value

Blower door testing

data driven

The overall efficiency rating of a home is not just a number pulled out of a hat. During a Home Energy Assessment, an Energy Specialist considers dozens of data points that culminate into an easy to understand "miles per gallon" energy performance rating to help individuals understand their home's energy use and make smart decisions about energy efficiency improvements.

A Home Energy Assessment can be a valuable negotiating tool for either a buying or selling agent. If energy recommendations are sought after, a simple pre and post comparison can be made that clearly states measurable improvements, which our real estate partners then use to reassess the value of a property.

Join other real estate firms by partnering with Energy Savers Home Performance and begin using our data to realize the maximum potential of a given property.